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#298bdb9c: Crash during publish

Status: Closed

created by (Chris Meyer) at 2015-09-06 10:49:46 -0400

I think the issue is based on a non-0 return from commit because the generated files were identical to the originals. Maybe add a generation timestamp to be displayed so that it will be able to commit even if most of the page is still the same.


$> git issue publish Switched to branch 'gh-pages' Switched to branch 'master' error in git command: git commit -m git-issue\ publish\ issues ["/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue/git_worker.rb:13:in `run'", "/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue/git_worker.rb:106:in `commit'", "/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue/commands/publish_command.rb:32:in `block in run'", "/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue/git_worker.rb:181:in `call'", "/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue/git_worker.rb:181:in `work_on_branch'", "/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue/commands/publish_command.rb:25:in `run'", "/Users/ChrisMeyer/projects/git-issues/src/git_issue.rb:12:in `parse_and_run'", "/usr/local/bin/git-issue:6:in `<main>'"]

set “kind” => “bug” (Chris Meyer) at 2015-09-06 10:49:47 -0400